Desenvolvemos soluções baseadas na natureza, respondendo aos desafios e oportunidades de nossa biorregião, envolvendo aos stakeholders para ter impacto ambiental, social e econômico. Nossos protótipos estão focados na regeneração do solo, sistemas alimentares saudáveis de oportunidades econômicas sustentáveis.

Acreditamos que os ambiciosos compromissos internacionais de restaurar as funções sociais e ecológicas dos territórios só podem ser alcançados por meio de acordos descentralizados, em que as comunidades assumem a responsabilidade como co-guardiões da sua bioregião.
Tecendo uma rede social de longo prazo para proteger a bioregião

FIELD An economic system that uses renewable biological resources to produce food, energy, and materials in a sustainable way. It features business models that create value while meeting community needs.
SCALE The scale at which systemic change is possible, since actors are inherently bound by local geography, climate, ecosystems, communities and cultural values. Not by political boundaries.
CATALYST Catalyzes regenerative ecological initiatives in a bioregion - piloting, teaching and scaling nature-based solutions, as well as fostering collaboration between businesses, communities and researchers in the territory.
SINAL's Role as a BioHub
An innovation hub, developing prototypes and for ecological regeneration
A dynamic catalyst for teaching and scaling solutions in a bioregion
Facilitates innovative business models for the bioeconomy
A collaborative platform that brings together diverse stakeholders
We articulated this Theory of Change for Bioregional Development at Rio G20.
Find out more in our report.